Friday, December 7, 2012

Fun in the kitchen.

I'm trying so hard to get out of the funk that I've been in since we moved to Texas. I needed to give myself the time to be angry and bitter about moving.  It's silly to get so attached when you're a part of the military life.  Nothing is ever guaranteed, including your location! It can change in a matter of hours.

So, I gave myself time to cry.  Time to scream.  Time to grieve.  Once that was done, it was time to put that energy into something constructive.  You know, like, making our home a home and cooking/baking delicious things.  Tsgt Lovebug says that he notices that I am much happier when I am cooking or baking and the house is clean.  I guess that I hadn't thought about that.  But, it's true.  It gives me a sense of direction in the chaotic life that is our family.

I've also noticed that in my "fog" I have neglected kitchen time with lovebug A.  I'd like for her to learn the basic and love being in the kitchen as much as I do.  I don't want her to feel that it's her "job" as a woman to be in the kitchen.  I want her to enjoy it.  I want it to be the same stress relief that it is for me.

Today, in keeping up with my 41 in 46, I tried a new recipe.  This time it was a cookie recipe.  Cookies are my vice.  There is just something about a freshly baked cookie.  Some warm and gooey.  Full of deliciousness.

I find inspiration on the Six Sisters' Stuff blog.  That is where I found the Funfetti Cake Batter Cookies.

The good news is that they are very easy to make.  The bad news is that I couldn't stop eating them. I loved spending time in the kitchen with my lovebug and listening to Christmas music.  I love creating these memories with her.  I look forward to doing it again soon!

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